Category: compassion

An Evidence-based Blog about Health, Compassion & our Environment

HOW To Eat Food: Part 1

By Dr. Fern Moreno Do you feel like we are constantly bombarded with changing information on WHAT to eat in order to achieve health?  Many popular diets are helpful in the short-term, but may not be individualized or sustainable for particular lifestyles and cultures.  It is difficult to subscribe to a one-size-fits-all diet when our…
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Magic Shaped My Childhood & Transformed My Adulthood

A case for reading fiction books as an adult By Dr. Fern Moreno The Beginning One of the greatest parts of my childhood and adolescence was diving—no, PLUNGING whole-heartedly into… …the Harry Potter series.  Seriously. Now, don’t assume that my childhood was lacking if a few books take home the cake, because that’s not the…
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Oxytocin: The Unsuspecting Immune Warrior

By Dr. Fern Moreno You may know oxytocin as the “love hormone”, the “pregnancy hormone”, or as I like to call it, the “hug hormone”, but these titles really don’t give this versatile hormone justice.  What most don’t know is that oxytocin has many critical functions in our immune system and in digestive health. But…
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