Gaining and Maintaining Immune Resilience: You are stronger than you know

An Evidence-based Blog about Health, Compassion & our Environment

By Dr. Fern Moreno

5 Key Practices to Support IMMUNE Function

Topics covered:


  1. Staying socially “connected”
  2. Nutrition for immune function
    • Eating whole foods specific for immune support
    • Nutrients to support immune system
  3. Moderate physical activity
  4. Quality sleep
  5. Reducing environmental exposures


Every great challenge has a lesson to teach, and every great lesson encourages self-growth.  Without discounting how difficult this global pandemic is for everyone, for many reason at varying degrees; this may be a great opportunity to address the health of Americans and our global community. Though there are situations, which appear out of our control, our own health (and the health of our children) is our own noble responsibility and privilege.  What choices we can control, we should.

Now is an excellent time to nourish, heal and strengthen our physical bodies, minds and spirits, in order to come out of the other side even stronger.  In general, illness and pain signals us to pay attention and address something deeper.   While the healing/strengthening process can be quite the ride, recovering your greatest potential will be an invaluable outcome for you and everyone you influence.

Fear can narrow our focus toward our “flaws” / “weaknesses” and distract from the fact that our bodies are incredibly resilient; they are designed to self-regulate and find balance without us even being aware of what’s going on.  We’ve only scratched the surface in understanding how amazing we really are. Minimizing assaults and providing a basic foundation of health can make a significant difference in building and maintaining a resilient immune system.  When you are resilient, you are better able to make decisions for your own body from a place of knowledge and love.

I wanted to focus in on WHAT 5 Key Practices you may consider, HOW to practice them and the reasons WHY they are important.  There’s a lot of information included; I believe everyone should have access to basic health information to improve his or her lives. You can always tab this for future reference since your immune health will always be important.  Don’t feel pressured to suddenly change your entire life; any small changes added/subtracted, makes a great difference in the long run.


5 Evidence-based Practices to Consider to Develop a Resilient Immune System:


Connections with friends and loved ones are critical and can endure even through times of social distancing (and any type of social turmoil that gets thrown our way).  Given the circumstances, we must do our best to stay “connected” in safe ways that are currently available to us (luckily there are many!).  As the social and political climate continues to shift, we must remember there are more similarities among us than differences between us; our unity creates an unshakable foundation—a type of social resilience.

“Distance is just a test of how far love can travel”- unknown. 

Connection is #1 for several reasons:


At least 5 servings per day. Never take for granted the incredible healing properties in whole foods.  Have fun with different recipes and forms of cooking with these nutritious and delicious foods! Some whole foods specifically support immune function! Here are some (there are more!) immune supportive foods to consider adding to your meals:

2b. CONSIDER NUTRIENTS to support your immune system:

Vitamin D3/K2 – maintenance dose of 2000 – 4000 IU/dl per day or 10,000 IU per day if mildly ill (short-term, a few days). Very high doses can cause toxicity. Doses will vary based on labs results.

Buffered Vitamin C – 1000 – 2000 mg, one to two times per day, in 2-hour intervals. Oral vitamin C at very high doses can cause diarrhea, and should be dosed based on individual’s bowel tolerance. Doses will vary.

Vitamin A – 10,000 IU/90 mcg per day for 7-10 days. High vitamin A can cause birth defects- please consult doctor if pregnant or breast-feeding. Doses will vary-seek medical guidance.

Zinc picolinate 15-30 mg per day, taken with protein 

Sustained-release Melatonin- Start low if never taken before- 0.5 – 5mg before bed. Doses will vary.

N-Acetyl cysteine1200 mg per day (600mg 2x per day) 

Quercetin- 500mg per day 

* Click below to view and purchase these supplements *

1. Sign up with your email   2. Go to “Categories   3. Go to “Immune Support”   4. Save 15% with purchase

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.


At least 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week. Examples of moderate exercise: walking 2 miles in 30 minutes, running 1.5 miles in 15 minutes, jumping rope for 15 minutes, walking stairs for 15 minutes, 30-60 minutes of yoga. 


Getting 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night supports immunity by lowering inflammation in the brain and body. 27


Minimized exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from cell phones, computers, router, TV, Wi-Fi, etc.

Reduce Air pollution  

Reduce pesticides and phthalates in food  

Give your body and mind the best opportunity to thrive. No medicine can replace the foundations to health that you can choose to build on everyday!

Disclaimer: The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat or provide medical advice.  Dosing and recommendations may vary depending on the individual. Please consult your doctor or speak with a naturopathic or integrative doctor during an official consultation to receive medical advice.
